How Much Do Pet Owners Spoil Their Dogs At Christmas?
We recently came across a great article entitled "How Much Do Pet Owners Spoil Their Dogs At Christmas." The post is full of insightful statistics and great gift recommendations for your dog, not only for Christmas but for any gift-giving moments as well.
We felt it would be an excellent read for the Rocky's Journal community and have decided to share the content below, just in time for the holiday season! We hope you enjoy the article as much as we did!
This article was originally published on Kabo's website and has been republished on Rocky's Journal with permission.
Written by
Andrea Geiger
R&D Scientist and Companion Animal Nutritionist
Reviewed by
Dr. Suzee, DVM, DVSc
Happy Howl-idays! As pet owners, we love to indulge during the month of December and that includes spoiling our dogs with lots of treats, toys and love. There’s no shame in including your dog in the festivities and spoiling them like any other family member!
Since we’re in the Christmas spirit, the Kabo team wanted to find out just how much pet parents spoil their dogs over the holidays. We surveyed 2000 Canadian pet owners to see what their holiday plans are for their dogs.
It may come as no surprise that dog owners are inclined to purchase extra toys and treats for their dogs over the Christmas season. An astounding 85% of survey respondents indicated that they will be buying their dogs Christmas presents. The question here is, treats or toys? It was a close tie between treats and toys but results of the survey showed that treats are the most popular Christmas gifts.

Do you hang stockings across your fireplace?
In most families it seems that the dogs also have their own stockings as well. The survey showed that 71% of pet owners hang a stocking for their dog. Phew! That means that there will be a place to keep all of those new treats and toys!
It’s not only pet owners that spoil their pets either. The study showed that dogs are likely to get gifts from friends and family as well. Results of the study showed that 60% of dogs get presents from their owner’s family and friends. It’s good to be a dog on Christmas!
Stumped on what to get your dog for Christmas?
Here are 5 unique Christmas gifts for dogs this year!
Love spending time with your dog? This dog journal includes bucket lists and outings to arts and crafts, to inspire you to spend more time with your pup. It leads you through fun activities, while creatively recording your adventures.

For all the active doggos, a fitness tracker is a must! The fitbark clips to your dog’s collar and syncs with your smart phone or watch and tracks all your dog's physical activity for the day. It can also be used as a GPS if your dog ever gets lost, pretty cool!

This gift goes out to all the mutts! Ever wonder what mixture of breeds your dog is? Now could be your chance to find out! Just one quick mouth swab and you’re done. Easy peasy!

Results of the survey showed that 51% of pet parents will be dressing their dogs up for Christmas. Make your dog feel included in the festivities with their own set of PJs. These holiday PJs make for cute photos and cozy cuddles

Your dog deserves their own sofa for naps and movie nights. Check out these stylish little dog couches that will match your décor much better than any dog bed would!

Keeping your dog safe and healthy during the holidays
While the holiday season should be a fun and carefree time, it is important to keep the health and safety of your dog in mind. Results of the survey showed that 69% of dog owners will feed their dog table scraps or a portion of their Christmas dinner. Unfortunately, this could be very dangerous to dogs as canines cannot digest all of the same foods that humans can and some of them may actually be poisonous. Additionally, human food is very rich and fatty and can easily upset your dog’s stomach.
“The incidence of toxicity, poisoning and pancreatitis in vet clinics often increases at holiday times. There are more temptations around for dogs and owners are preoccupied with guests and festivities,” says veterinarian, Dr. Suzee Camilleri, “Take the time to look around the house for things or situations that might be tempting for your curious dog. Let guests know to keep an eye on these things. It may also be helpful to keep some healthy treats on hand for those guests that just can't help but give your cute pooch a treat.”

Rather than offering your dog part of your Christmas dinner, try a holiday themed food that’s designed especially for dogs. “Instead of feeding table scraps, Kabo offers a turkey & rice fresh cooked meal so pups can still enjoy turkey dinner without upsetting their stomach,” says Kabo founder, Vino Jeyapalan.
It’s a general consensus among pet owners that we will all be spoiling our dogs during the holidays this year. On top of the treats and toys you buy, make sure to spoil them with lots of love and pets. From the Kabo team, Feliz Nevi-dog!
Written by
Andrea Geiger
R&D Scientist and Companion Animal Nutritionist
Reviewed by
Dr. Suzee, DVM, DVSc
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